ConcentratesDistillateHybridsMarijuanaReviewsSativa DominantStrains

Concentrate Review: Grape Stomper Distillate from GrowHealthy

Grape stomper syringe full of distillate.

Lineage/Genetics: Purple Elephant x Chemdawg Sour Diesel

Original Breeder: Gage Green Seeds

Grower: GrowHealthy

Processor: GrowHealthy

Dispensary: GrowHealthy

Grape Stomper Distillate Syringe Review

Thc: 89.39%

Condition: depression, stress, pain

Recommended time of use: This is a late after noon strain for sure unless you are used oils, if not I do not recommend medicating before work or any activity which will require your full attention. As this is one is a heavy hitter. Its effects are felts almost instantly (I usually put my syringes inside cartridges)

Head: This strain surpassed thoughts, and also weighed down my eyelids a lot! it got me very mellow and relaxed yet not that tired to the point where I was a baked potato.

Body: As said above, this one hits hard, but in a very good way, it calmed my spasms and took away body pains. My body felt like I was constantly being hugged by my bed, it was relaxing, comforting, yet not tiring

Creativity/talkative: This was a very nice social strain, could be used for a nice friends outing, or even just wanting to feel more “uplifted” no pun intended. This one brings you great joy.

Hunger: I did not feel very hungry after medicating. Cotton mouth and very thirsty but not really hungry, there for, I would not recommend this for someone who is trying to relieve fatigue in anyway.
@fl_growhealthy .
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