Concentrate Review: Lemon Tree Shatter from Trulieve
Lemon tree shatter – Hybrid
Lineage: Lemon Skunk x Sour Diesel
Original Breeder: Unknown
Grower: TruFlower
Processor: Trulieve
Dispensary: Trulieve
Lemon Tree Shatter Review
THC: 84.7%
Recommended time of use: Any time of day, as this one didn’t really seem to be a sleepy strain, but more of a social happy strain.
Head: I would say this is where this strain shines, as it filled me with positivity and happy thoughts, I can see someone with depression benefiting from this strain as it doesn’t really induce sleepyness
Body: although no sleepiness was induced, my body did feel relax and had relief of some body pains and discomfort, but most of all, this one calmed my spasms which is something I always look for in a strain
Creativity/talkative: I can see where this strain can make you talkative and creative, yet I usually medicate at night and before bed, therefor if I get talkative I would really start getting worried xD but it doest make my brain juices flow
Hunger: moderate to slight hunger was felt minutes within medicating, no hunger after that for a couple of hours after a light snack was eaten. .
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