ConcentratesHybridsIndica DominantMarijuanaPuerto RicoReviewsStrainsWax

Concentrate Review: Papaya Punch Wax by KANA Extractions

Good morning, today we’re going to talk about Papaya Punch wax by @kanaextractions

Lineage/Genetics: Purple Punch x Papaya

Original Breeder: Oni Seed Co.

Processor: KANA Premium Extractions

Papaya Punch Wax Review

papaya punch wax by KANA premium extractions concentrate review by trippietropical 2THC:22.42%| THCa 78.71%|CBD: 0.58%|CBDa: 2.57%|CBN 0.18%|

•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Papaya Punch is an indica dominant hybrid strain that gives you that mellowing effect, but not to couch lock you. Some have experienced a boost in creativity that they’ve used for either hands-on activities or as a conversation enhancer. When you open up a package of this strain, you’ll find it has a delicious berry-like and cheesy scent.

•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Ive enjoyed this wax quite a bit because if I need it to couch lock me it can! But is an awesome indica to use on the day also if you need extra relaxation and muscle calmness. It’s an amazing product and if you haven’t tried it, invest in one because, @kanaextractions knows what they’re doing!


  • Consistency: 5/5 🔥
  • Flavor:4.5/5🥰
  • Appearance: 4/5 ☺️
  • Effects:5/5🍁

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