Concentrate Review: Tropicanna Cookies Live Resin Budder by aeriz
The terps in @aerizusa’s Tropicana Cookies Live Resin Budder jumped out as soon as I popped the lid. ⠀
Lineage/Genetics: Girl Scout Cookies x Tangie
Original Breeder: Oni Seed Co.
Grower: aeriz
Processor: aeriz
Tropicanna Cookies Live Resin Budder Review
Tropicana Cookies, a cross of Girl Scout Cookies and Tangie, is a Sativa-dominant hybrid that has a strong citrus smell. One dab of this goodness and my mood shifted. When trying a new strain, I like to wait 5-10 minutes after each dab to see how the effects level out, especially before I go in for another hit. Sure enough, after a few minutes, the euphoria and focus kicked in, making it a tasty strain great for getting things done! ⠀
Also, Aeriz’s packaging is such a beauty! Swipe for a terpy surprise!⠀
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