Cultivar Review: E85 by Cookies New Jersey
E85 (Wedding cake x project 4516) by @grandiflora.genetics @cookies.newjersey
Lineage/Genetics: Wedding Cake x Project 4516
Original Breeder: Grandiflora Genetics
Grower: Cookies New Jersey
Terpene Profile: Unknown
Dispensary: Apothecarium NJ

Cookies E85 Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review
Reefa rating: Smell- ✅ Look-❎ Smoke-✅ Taste-✅ High-✅ Memorable-❎ Shoutout @apothecariumnj Last year I tried the E85 signature series and was taken back by how potent it was. So naturally when given the chance to try it again from a newer batch I was hype! And I wasn’t disappointed. I mean this had a crazy strong nose, similar to a cakey/cookie/earthy/floral aroma. Look wasn’t the best and the bud was pretty dry but after the grind it still had a good amount of resin that made it easy to roll. The smoke was one of those that’ll grow your lungs lol. I mean heavy floral musk on the inhale and gassy notes on the exhale. Both were smooth. And the high got me exactly what I needed to meditate with after a long day. Deff wouldn’t recommend it for a wake and bake tho,,,cuz you going to end up right back asleep lmao! #robbreefa #reefaradio #strainreviews #cannabiscommunity #explorer #explorerpage #apothecariumnj #cookiesnj #e85review #grandifloragenetics
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