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Cultivar Review: Georgia Pie #12 by The Kolektors

#georgiepie 12 – by @thekolektor x @kolektors_why_oze

Lineage/Genetics – Kush Mints x Gellati

Originally Bred by: Raw Genetics @rawconnect

Grower: The Kolektors

Terpene Profile: Unknown

Georgie Pie #12 Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review

I’ve been reviewing @kolektors_why_oze x @thekolektor work for the past 1.5 or more and they always been consistent with their work. I asked @kolektors_why_oze I need something ⛽️ chest locker, he recommend the Georgia Pie 12. Shoutout to @thekolektor for introducing the 🎱 for connoisseurs like me that like tasting different flavors and flowers. The 🎱 consist of large & medium size nugs, few smalls. The structure from the jump resembled the infamous Kush Mints. Pear and Forrest color green buds, cover with flurries of salt fine color trichomes, follow by the trademark NY orange stigmas & pistils. The scent is this unique gas fumes blend with sweet apple tart/ pine, aroma. The palate is a caryophyllene pepper, menthol mint, sweet apple & earthy, hint of limonene terps aroma. The effects are an overwhelming medium level cerebral high, beneficial body high for the tense muscles. The ashes burned more salt and slight pepper. It has a smooth inhale full of terpenes and fumes make you want to keep smoking her all day. The high starts around 6-7 pulls in, when it sets in can couch lock you or keep you active but still with a slow motion effect. The effects can last for about 2.5 hours. Overall I highly recommended, Georgie Pie 12 is terps on terps with potency gas. I believe @berner415 had told @thekolektor said it smell better than his own Georgia Pie. That being said she’s worth the try. I had rated her a 4.0
On the first try, but now with more trials & joints testing, I rate her at a 4.6/5.. she is the second movie to the beloved Kush mints, with an addition of sweet flavor from the gelatti. Georgia Pie 12 – 4.6/5

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