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Cultivar Review: Kosher Kush by B-Eazy Buds

Kosher Kush cultivar #kosherKush by @b_eazybuds6.0

Lineage/Genetics – Jew Gold – unknown indica x OG Kush

Original Breeder: Unknown

Grower: B-Eazy Buds

Terpene Profile: Unknown

B-Eazy Buds Kosher Kush Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review by Letmeseewhatusmokin

@b_eazybuds6.0 is known for his candy lineup until now. One of the flowers came with no name only the B eazy logo. I do remember B eazy telling me he will have something different than the candy. Kosher Kush ended up being the flower, confirmed by b_eazybuds on a recent great review by @packstothefuture. The nugs resembled the structure of the OG Kush. Kosher Kush is a classic cultivar that begun named as Jew Gold, later change to Kosher Kush. It is said to be the first flower to be blessed by a rabbi.

A group of Jewish stoners in LA made the strain famous. The scent on this Kosher Kush is a pinene blend with a pungent sweet myrcene aroma. The after grind odor stuffed my nose a bit due to the strong myrcene terps & kush ⛽️ fumes. . The palate is living soil earthy, dank, pine, faint sweet pungent taste , og Bubba kush vibes. The effects are medium level cerebral & nice body high. The smoke experience consist of more salt than pepper on the ash. I felt a bit harsh on the exhale 😮‍💨 smooth on the inhale.

Overall I enjoyed the whole experience. The kosher Kush is a flower to relax and let it take over. It definitely has the the chest locker and it can be a couch locker depending on the mood. I felt the high about 7-8 pulls in on the sesh. I also endured an intense high phase after I smoked, for about 1.5 hours. I recommend this amazing og based on the effects, appeal & taste . Shoutout to @b_eazybuds6.0 for the blessings ..

B eazy Kosher Kush – 4/5

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Kosher Kush Review by Robbreefa

Kosher kush (OG Kush) by @b_eazybuds6.0

Reefa rating:
Smell- ❎

Shoutout @b_eazybuds6.0 @b_eazybuds3.0

Quite frankly there’s nothing impressive about this one to me and I’m not just talking bag appeal. The nose doesn’t really standout. Buds were kinda small but had a nice lime greenish appearance with orange/brownish pistils. Get to the smoke and pretty soon I realized this is one is not for for the flavor. So if you smoking this for the Terps ,,,this is not it. I will mention I picked up a notes of humulene, myrcene, and pinene terps on the first quarter – half the joint but towards the last half it just tasted like smoke to me. Now im not gonna call it a cardboard kush but deff wouldn’t call it a hitta. As reminder this just my opinion based on my experience smoking this one. Y’all do as you please lol.

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