Cultivar Review: Lemon Cherry Gelato by OG Grows
Lemon cherry gelato
Lineage/Genetics: Gelato 33 (Sunset sherb x GSC)
Original Breeder: SHERBINSKIS
Grown by: OG Grows @o_g_grows
Terpene Profile: Unknown
Lemon Cherry Gelato Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review
Reefa rating :
Smell- ✅
Shoutout @o_g_grows for getting this to me
I know there is a ton of lcg flooding nyc atm but this is a refreshing reminder of how good this can be when the cultivation is done right!,,,
Smell- fresh, lemon zest (limonene), earthy pine musk(myrcene + carene)
Look- large to medium sized nugs. Very light green hues. Sticky sugary looking trichs opposed to the powered dust type trichs.
Smoke- inhale and exhale are smooth and easy on the lungs.
Taste- Bitter citrus zest with the musky earthiness on the exhale
High- Guaranteed to get you clapped lol. Seriously this had me high asf! Like the get so high you sit ya ass down somewhere and stfu 🤣🤣. This is one where you begin to feel the high by 4-5 pulls and by halfway thru your eyes get super low and you can visibly see the effects! This was prolly one of my top 3 lcgs of the year,,,and I’ve tried a lot lol.
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