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Cultivar Review: Strawberry Diesel by The Kolektors

Strawberry Diesel #strawberrydiesel by @thekolektor x @kolektors_why_oze
Lineage/Genetics – Strawberry Cough x NYC diesel

Original Breeder: Unknown

Grower: The Kolektors

Terpene Profile: Unknown

Strawberry Diesel Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review

When #thekolektorstash announced their new drops, Strawberry diesel is the one cultivar, I was the most curious about. I seen the pictures and it was love at first sight. I open the Quarter bag and found these enormous gorgeous nugs designed with crystallize ginger color trichomes, celery green combine with lime color buds & carrot color pistils. The scent hits my nostril with the vintage diesel fuel blended with strawberry 🍓 terps aroma.

The palate is a creamy pungent, strawberry diesel aftertaste. This beauty of a plant is rated at 18% , total cannabinoid 21%, No cbd. The high is mid cerebral, it has nice body high as well. The high on this is like a rollercoaster 🎢 it goes up, then drops. Once you think is over comes back up ⬆️ again. The ashes are equally balance salt and peppery. The inhale is smooth & a harsh diesel 💨 on the aftertaste. The duration of the high is about 2 hours. Overall is everything I expected and more.

Strawberry diesel made me reminisce on the 2005-10 sour days. I’ve had the strawberry diesel in the past, but this Nyc bred is much tastier and the high is more sedated. The kolektors blessed us with this cougar of a plant. It can compete with the TKZ, with the higher effects, and scent. Excellency and efficiency in this dimepiece shoutout to the Kolektors . 4.7/5

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