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Cultivar Review: The Soap by Boutique Smoke

The Soap – @boutiquesmoke2

Nose: Sweet, piney, soapy lemons, tart pink starburst, floral, spicy, fuel
Inhale: Floral, soapy, sour, tart, citrus, chem, sweet + creamy (towards end)
Exhale: Musty, floral, piney, rubbery, soapy, fruity

Lineage/Genetics 🧬: Animal Mints #9 x Kush Mints #11

Bred by: Seed Junky Genetics

Cultivated by: Boutique Smoke

Terpene Profile: Unknown

The Soap Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review

Hey what’s up everyone? We are steady plugging along through the summer and, today, I will be hosting a review from a familiar face. About a month back or so when I was in Worcester visiting, I paid a visit to Boutique and picked up a couple varieties. One of them being Grandi Guava the other one being The Soap, which I will be diving into today. I don’t think there much introduction needed for Boutique as this has to be around the tenth (or so) review I’ve done on his material. Bringing the heat for some time now, I had my hopes set that these two cultivars would continue that trend for Boutique. Originally bred by Seed Junky, The Soap features a cross between Animal Mints #9 and Kush Mints #11. Prior to this, I have only tried this cultivar once by the Cookies Brands although I’ve never had the chance to try it by a non-Corporate entity. True to its name, this cultivar has brought about a mouth-rinsing, soapy taste the occasions I have had it. However, being that this was grown by a local grower who has a history of running out a variety of slamming cultivars I was interested to see how his version of The Soap would invade my palette. Let’s waste no more time and get into the facts!

While the buds seemed dense at first, after squeezing into them I could tell they were softer than anticipated. Even when breaking into them the interior wasn’t overly sticky nor did it sprinkle off many kief flakes. This made it simple to break The Soap down by hand and resulted a decent yield as well. The overall nose was at its most complex stage during this time. The fuel notes were heavier than ever as a bizarre odor of tart pink starbursts that drew a piney backend. The dry pull on the joint had an initially soapy taste which combined flavors from the nose as I honed in on pine, citrus and floral.

When I proceed to spark The Soap in an Element paper, the initial inhales presented a mild, yet funky, taste. This boasted piney terps with a combination of both sweet and spicy flavors on the back end that made the pulls simple, but flavorful, early on. The exhales were predominantly musty followed by a strong dose of both pine and floral terps. Once you get about a quarter of the way in, the after taste on the exhale gets soapy leaving that mouth-foaming sensation. The pulls were moderately gassy to start the sesh but start to pick up as notes of sour and tart citrus hit the tongue. Once I got a little deeper into the sesh, I started to honed in on sharp, lingering notes of burnt rubber and soap. Exhales, at this point, displayed a sweet aftertaste that developed into bitter notes of sour. Nearing the halfway point, notes of floral sting the throat as the creaminess from the Kush Mints was moderately detectable.

It did a great job of making me unwind after a long day or even putting me to bed after capping off a night sesh. On top of that, this cultivar served as a great mood stabilizer as well. It seemed that almost always I was put in a tranquil mind state upon smoking this. About 45 minutes to an hour after onset of effects is when the euphoria spread into the lower portion of my body. This feeling last for another hour after this and was great relief after a workout or any physical activity for that matter. All in all, the medicinal effects provided by The Soap last around two hours in total. Personally, I thought the effects had an impressive potency that I hadn’t previously experienced when I had tried them from the Cookies line.

After having a chance to try The Soap that was cultivated by Boutique I definitely thought it was an overall quality experience. At first impression I thought the buds looked good but they weren’t anything that swept me off my feet. However, the nose was indicative of the name and packed a ton of flavor. This got me excited to smoke at first as my nose was aroused by the smell of soapy lemons and spiced, floral fuel. If you are looking for something a little bit different you definitely want to try this out. Directly following this, smoking The Soap provided a unique terp profile as well as a potent bite from the gassiness. This will fancy any smoker who enjoys a soapy, fuel-like smoke with a multitude of flavor to support that base. To top that off, the medicinal effects created a lazy and mellow experience that went hand-in-hand with what I was looking for towards the end of the day. I found this cultivar provided great medicinal value as well. This worked well, at the time, with a nagging Achilles injury I faced a little over a month back. The sedating qualities The Soap brought on producing a full-body high created benefit for any type of pain relief I was seeking. I appreciate Boutique for getting this one in my hands to review and I should have a follow up on the Grandi Guava, hopefully, sooner than later.

When I picked up The Soap from Boutique the packaging came with no frills. The plastic baggie containing The Soap directly showcased the thunderous trichomes on each long, lanky nug which were made up of hues of forest green and violet. Upon opening the bag, a fairly pungent, and unique, odors of soapy lemons and pine stung my nose. This gave off a sweet yet gassy backend. As I went to take a couple nugs out of the bag, I was met with long, lanky buds, some yielding big stems underneath which I wasn’t necessarily a huge fan of given the weight it adds. In hand, each one felt somewhat bristly as The Soap consisted spear-shaped nugs where most of the leaves pointed upward. There were also an abundance of bright orange pistils still intact that covered each one resulting in a so-so appearance altogether. Breaking into these buds produced a fuel-like aroma while the soapy lemons smelt earlier were presented with more of a gassy complexion.

The burn on the joint was solid ensuing in a lighter grey to whiteish ash. This was also supported by a moderated terp ring. As the second half of the sesh began, some pulls were harsher than others although the overall flavor remained in tact. A smooth, lemon fuel flavor was present as the gassiness of each pull remained fairly in-between as it had. Once I got a little further into the second half I started to notice a pink lemonade flavor take over on some of the inhales. This flavor concocted with the pine terps that still remained in existence. Rounding out the last half of the sesh there was still a thick, soapy taste that stuck to the inside of my mouth after each pull. The notes of pine turned a bit spicier before as The Soap packed a bite while finishing it off. Overall, I was really pleased by the experience this cultivar yielded. I believe this cultivar presented a very unique terp profile that had constant shifts throughout the sesh. In addition, this provided decent strength to cap off a fairly potent smoke.

The onset of medicinal effects that occurred from smoking the The Soap left me a little foggy about 10-15 minutes after the sesh. Even in the later stages of the sesh I noticed my mind drifting off in “la-la” land. Before putting out the joint, I also discovered my eyes a bright, glossy red with droopy bags under them. This cultivar rocked me a little more than I anticipated where, within the first half hour after extinguishing, a sudden tiredness took over. The feeling provoked a steady calmness within my muscles and joints, particularly in the upper body portion of my shoulders and back.

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