Cultivar Review: Trop Slushie by Samurai Pack
#tropslushie by @samurai_pack
Lineage/Genetics – Tropicana Cookies x Ice Cream Cake
Original Breeder: Unknown
Brand: Samurai Pack
Terpene Profile: Unknown
Trop Slushie Cannabis Cultivar (strain) Review
@samurai_pack makes their first impression with the likes of the Trop Slushie . Tropicana Cookies x Ice Cream Cake makes the sweet n tasty, Trop Slushie. It was harvested & packaged on Dec 22. The appeal is the highlight of this cultivar. The nugs were absolutely well cultivated. Prune color hues, Kale color leaves, orange peel color pistils, garlic powder color trichomes. The structure resembles more the ice cream cake .
The aroma is dominated by that gassyfuel blend citrus of the Tropicana cookies 🍪. The palate brings out the citrus diesel mixed with a pungent creamy after punch of the ice cream cake. The smoke 💨 experience is excellent, 90/10 more salt than pepper on the ash. The inhale and exhale 😮💨 were smooth with a fuel chest lock. The effects are a medium low yet relaxing cerebral high. The buzz starts 7-8 pulls in, overall total high for like 1 hr. It looked good smell good, smoke good but the high was not long lasting. It’s more terps than high, which some stoners prefer more taste than high. I prefer an equal balance between high & taste. Overall I feel if the effects are up to par with the appeal, scent & nose it will be the perfect smoke 💨. Trop Slushie – 3/5— big shoutout to @textmasterflex
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