Cultivar Review: White OG by Muffy Farms
White og (The White x Triple Kush) from @muffy__farms
Lineage/Genetics: The White x Triple Kush
Original Breeder: Karma Genetics
Grower: Muffy Farms
Terpene Profile: Unknown
White OG Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review
Reefa Rating:
Memorable: ✅
Big shoutout to @light_master_j for getting this in my hands!
Smell- heavy earthy pine fuel
Look- Stunning appeal! Frosty, sticky trichomes completely covering large light grey buds and rusty brown pistils
Smoke& taste- inhale taste has a fresh soil earthyness and has a kick that’ll grow your lungs. Exhale is smooth and has a herbal essence to it.
High- high kicks in quick! Much quicker then you’d think expect. Heavy head and body high with this one.
Memorable- after my first time smoking this I got into the wrong Uber Smfh. And each time after it didn’t disappoint at all! Delivered on each smoke sesh! Great job @muffy_farms this was a heavy hitter!
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