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Dab Review: Fuel Biscuit Wax by Kayak Cannabis

This is Fuel Biscuits (GSC x Gelato) @kayakcannabis

Lineage/Genetics: GSC x Gelato

Original Breeder: Unknown

Brand: Kayak Cannabis

Processor: Pure Greens

Fuel Biscuits Wax Review

It’s been a while since I’ve had any kind of just regular wax (July 12th). It was always hard to find super consistent extractors that made it with great material and clean processing. Kayak I’ve heard good things about so I decided to go for them and it’s actually pretty damn good.

The dominant terpenes are caryophyllene (really obvious in the smell), Limonene and humulene. Definitely not a terpene profile I’ve had before that I can remember!

The taste and smell are both like lemon pepper seasoning. Tangy and spicy (actual spice not hot).

My tolerance has really gone down lately and it’s helped me to at least try to give more info on the strain after I use it. The high starts out light (I was a little disappointed at first) and slowly settles into your body. I felt a fuzziness in my legs about 5 minutes in and it spread to the rest of my body and my head especially after 10 minutes. The heady effects are electric. Really warm and sharp feeling behind the eyes and forehead, it’s really impressive for wax.

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