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Dab Review: GMO Rosin by Solventless Mind

As we approach 7/10, I have to give recognition to one of the most remarkable dabs I’ve taken all year, GMO grown by @jay_plantspeaker_ and processed by @solventlessmind.

Lineage/Genetics: Forum Cut GSC x Chemdawg

Original Breeder: Mamiko Seeds

Grower: Jay Plantspeaker

Processor: Solventless Mind

Terpene Profile: Unknown

Solventless Mind GMO Rosin Review

gmo rosin by solventless mind dab review by medsforheads

While I’ve strayed from the GMO train as of late, that savory stank will always have a place in my heart, and this one is among the best.

Deep, unctuous, caramelized funk like sauteed Korean black garlic saturated my mouth during each dab as my esophagus was warmed with a backdraft of Chem gas. Cookie sweetness from the strain’s GSC parent was downplayed in this iteration but filled in the gaps between more dominant notes with Famous Amos cookie dust that a glutton like myself might funnel down the hatch.

The effects were fairly variable for me from hit to hit, ranging from an affable, social headspace to a knock-out nightcap. Consistently, my body felt restored and strengthened by an intense buzz that had my limbs seeming to vibrate. Only complaint? Gone too soon.
#710 #organiccannabis #solventless #hashrosin #liverosin #coldcure #jayplantspeaker #gmo #cannabisreview #rosinreview #wfayo #smokelikeme #cannabiscommunity

gmo rosin by solventless mind dab review by medsforheads 2

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