Dab Review: Orange Whip Live Budder by Echo Electuary
Orange Whip Live Budder Review
The profile was very unique and complex. The budder had amazing color and the texture was simply perfection. The flavor was a very strong and unique orange garlic gas with creamy dough notes that tingled my nose when dabbing 🍊🧄⛽🍦🍩 This profile was very unique and flavorful. It was also very smooth to dab 👍🏼 The high was strong in my head giving me that headband feeling. I found the effects to be both stimulating and relaxing. One of those strange hybrids that doesn’t quite feel right to me 😅 Overall I was impressed with this live budder. Even though the profile and effects of the Orange Whip weren’t really what I’m usually looking for, it’s definitely very high quality and I was glad to have tried it. Loud and unique profile, perfect texture, strong flavor and effects 👍🏼 Made 11/11/21 Tested 11/23/21 SC Labs The Potland Honest Reviews 🕵️

Hi! My name is Ryan and I do honest product reviews for the Oregon cannabis industry under the brand The Sophisticated Dabber. I've doing doing product reviews in Oregon for the last few years now and I have been a cannabis consumer/patient in Oregon for almost 19 years. I run a blog on IG @thesophisticateddabber and also make dab tools with hand turned wooden handles @sophisticateddabtools . Hope you enjoy my reviews!