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Strain Review: Blueberry Headband by Grassroots Cannabis

My anxiety, nausea, and migraines have met their match! ⁠⠀
Blueberry Headband dissipates all of my regular ailments after a medium-sized bowl (and that’s probably because of my increased tolerance as of late, thanks corona).

Lineage/Genetics: Blueberry x 707 Headband

Original Breeder: Emerald Triangle Seeds

Grower: Grassroots Cannabis

Blueberry Headband Strain Review

The 👃🏾 on the flower is slightly fruity with a strong pine scent. The taste wasn’t incredibly fruity, which makes sense given the smell, but I’d hoped for more Blueberry flavor. ⁠⠀
Regardless, I’d return to this strain again and again because of the medicinal benefits. Strains with Blueberry lineage tend to be both mentally and physically calming for me, and this strain was no different. ⁠⠀
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