
Strain Review: China Yunnan by Old World Organics

Standard “My camera is shit and didn’t do this weed justice” disclaimer. You know the drill. If you’ve followed me for long, you know I love me a unique genetic line. Got some weird shit from bumfuck nowhere, holla at your boy. I’m trying to smoke that. Anywhoozle, today’s obscure strain is a wonderful little cut called China Yunnan. I don’t have a whole lot of backstory, but it’s @old_world_organics_llc, so you know there’s a good one. Lineage/Genetics: Chinese landrace Original Breeder: Mother Nature Grower: Old World Organics

China Yunnan Strain Review

china yunnan by old world organics strain review by pdxstoneman 2The flavor is super unique. No gas, citrus, or berry notes at all. This is the most herbal cannabis I’ve had that wasn’t that way because the grower fucked up. Tea and grass dominate the palate and keep the smoke from fucking up your lungs like citrusy and gassy strains can tend to. The effects were incredibly pleasant. Not too powerful, not too light. It’s a nice little smoke for enjoying the given moment whole maintaining a full presence in it. I could see this being an incredibly good meditative strain. I could feel my cares melt away as I smoked, for once not worrying about what words I would use to describe it. The right ones will come with patience. Honestly, this strain isn’t gonna call to you from the jar at the dispensary. Like as person who isn’t classically attractive, but has a personality better than most you’ll meet, look past the superficial qualities and improve your life with China Yunnan. . . . #thehighestcritic #oldworldorganics #strainreview #strainreviews #weedreviews #420review #portlandcannabis #OMMP #portlandweedreviews #mmj #chinayunnan #oregoncannabiscommunity #portlandcannabiscommunity #oregonweedreviews #Medicate #oregoncannabis #mmjpatient #medicalmarijuana #weshouldsmoke #pnwstoners #higherthanmost #wedontsmokethesame #justblazeig #420lifestyle #cannabiscommunity #cannabisreviews
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