CaliforniaCannabis CultivarsFlowerHybridsIndica DominantMarijuanaReviewsStrains

Strain Review: Eclairz by EclairZEverything

Eclairz by @eclairzeverything

Lineage/Genetics: (Gelato 33 S1 x Biscotti Dough)

Original Breeder: EclairZEverything

Grower: EclairZEverything

Terpene Profile: Unknown

Eclairz Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review

eclairz by eclairzeverything strain review by digital.smoke 2Eclairz has been making waves through the city, I’m glad i was able to get my hands on it. Upon first opening the jar you get a nice whiff of that sweet gelato scent with a hint of pine. When broken down you get a nice scent of gas in your nose and on your finger tips. Sweet gelato with a light sugar doughy taste on the inhale, and a light gassy exhale. This one gives you a super relaxing chilled out head and body high. You can definitely still function if you need to.

Shout out @eclairzeverything , excited to see what’s up next


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