Strain Review: G-Wiz by The Captain’s Connection
G-Wiz [Hybrid Sativa] 🧃 ⠀
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Lineage/Genetics: GMO Cookies x Blissful Wizard
Original Breeder: The Captain’s Connection

G-Wiz Strain Review
Strength – 3/5 🗿🗿🗿⠀ Aroma – Sour, Berry 🍋 🍇⠀ Taste – Gasoline, Lavender, Licorice ⛽ 🟣 🔴⠀ Density – Smalls 🤏⠀ ⠀ Another trial of Smalls, G-Wiz brings the buzz with haste. The numb is front-facing, right where your nose bridge meets the upper ridge of your brow. Suspiciously close to the 3rd Eye 🤔. ⠀ .⠀ .⠀ Coinkydink or not, I feel a rush of エネルギー⚡ surging through the body. For those who know 👉 recall the stage of your last heavy psychedelic journey where you felt the Enerugī purging out from every orifice in your brain 🧠🌫️. As this substance discharges, there’s new life-force Enerugī coming in from the cosmos transfusing into the body at the same time🌌. G-wiz shares a similar feeling to this. It’s slight, but I attribute this feeling as entering the Flow 🌊.⠀ .⠀ .⠀ The aroma is mainly Sour with 30% Berry in the tail-end. Thick orange hairs wrap around the lush green bulbs while the rest is covered with soft mossy whites 🌳. ⠀ .⠀ .⠀ G-wiz really pops when it comes to the Juice 🧃. The inhale produces a thick flowing smoke and tastes of Gasoline. Exhale is a mix of Lavender and Licorice – terpenes I haven’t tasted before, and never together 👍. ⠀ .⠀ .⠀ The moisture level is just – MUAH 😚. Sparking one up, the cherry burns strong with a beautiful glowing eye centered perfectly in the middle, equidistant from all sides 🚬. The ash cigars like a champ and is soft volcanic grey with flakes of black. Oil ring is present ♨️.⠀ .⠀ .⠀ G-Wiz gives hyper level focus and bountiful, opulence amounts of creative Enerugī ⚡. Put on some headphones and turn on 🎵 “Mariah Carey – Without You” and I promise you a good time 🕺🏾. Performing any task after Juicing is positively augmented. Concurrently, while I’m in this state of flow, I’m immensely calm and certain of myself 🙎♂️.⠀ .⠀ .⠀ Fast-forward 1.5 hours, the Sativa ride is now over and I find myself rummaging through my snack cabinet. All that creation sure uses up a lot of fuel 🍲. Replenish accordingly🙂. The burnout comes in the form of a dreamy Indica spell 😪. ⠀ .⠀ .⠀ Follow ➡️ @cannabisseur604 ⬅️ for more! #420 #sativa #indica #hybrid #cannabiscommunity #craftcannabis #cannabis #cannabisculture #weedculture #weedporn #weedphotography #highsociety #highlife #instaweed #weedstagram #trichomes #bcbud #hightimes #marijuana #thc #cbd #kush #smokeweedeveryday #nugshot #mycannabisstory #staylifted #maryjane #juicestrainreview #juiceAAAA #gwizCheck out more reviews by @cannabisseur604 on Instagram! (