Strain Review: Grape Durban (Durban Poison x Grape Pie)
I try to mention/tag the farm that grows my weed every time I post it (like I’m some kind of big shot), but this is the second time I’ve picked up some stuff from this farm and haven’t been able to find out a thing about them beyond an address.
Lineage/Genetics: Durban Poison x Grape Pie
Original Breeder: Boring Weed Co.
Grower: KFG Partners LLC
Grape Durban Strain Review
So, KFG Partners LLC, your Grape Durban is fucking dope, and I don’t remember the other cultivar of yours I had, but that was fucking fire, too. Keep selling good weed to @tetra.pdx so I can keep buying it.
Cute little fatty for your viewing pleasure as well.
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