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Strain Review: Grape Jilly by Jungle Boys



(Cherry Pie x Grape Stomper) X (Orange Velvet x Space Queen)

Original Breeder: Cannarado Genetics

Grower: Jungle Boys

Terpene Profile: Unknown

Grape Jilly Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review

SMELL: 8.9/10

FLAVOUR: 7.7/10



STRENGTH: 9.4/10


Never having had Grape Jilly before, and with it being a cross of classic genetics, I was interested in seeing how it fared. Boasting a total sum of cannabinoids at a modest 35.96%.

Upon opening I instantly received a rush of an earthy and gummy gas, with traits of sour fermented purple grapes, complemented by refreshing citrusy orange and sweet creamy strawberry and cherry undertones.

The buds were of a hard density, having both a foxtail and typical Jungleboys structure. They were a shade of light to medium green with sporadic hues of light purple, alongside rustic pistils, and home to a universe of trichomes.

Upon inhaling, my palate was instantly overcome by a unique tangy infusion of sweet creamy cherries mixed with sour grapes, alongside mildly earthy and subdued citrus orange traits.

Through combustion the sweet notes begin to dissipate, leaving the taste of a mildly sweet, over tangy, sour and gummy gas retained on my tastebuds upon exhaling.

The joint produced ash being a shade of medium to light silver, alongside an instantaneous oozing and dripping resinous oil ring. It smoked both smooth and tasted clean. To conclude, although Grape Jilly is not a personal favourite of mine, it is uniquely different to other current strains on the ever expanding market.

I did not particularly mind the initial sweet infused sour grape and citrus orange profile, and despite the sweetness dissipating excessively, it did smoke relatively well and exhibited its lineage effectively. With a little further dialling in, GJ will be a great choice to enthusiasts of strains particularly with a sour grape lineage.

grape jilly by jungle boys strain review by cannoisseurselections

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