Strain Review: Green Crack by Reserve by verano
One of my all-time favorite get shit done strains by verano: Green Crack!
Lineage/Genetics: 1989 SSSC Skunk #1 x Afghani
Original Breeder: Cecil C.
Grower: Reserve by verano Brands
Green Crack Strain Review
The name is controversial, but it doesn’t bother me because Green Crack consistently delivers uplifting, energizing effects that pull me out of unmotivated ruts and help me focus. If you decide to hunt for this, know that the strain is also referred to as Green Cush, because of the negative connotation of crack.
Whether it’s a Saturday morning cleaning spree, or a Monday morning with a long to-do list, Green Crack is the⛽️ I need!⠀
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