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Strain Review: Jammie Dodgers by Rain Treez

Jammie Dodgers (Strawberry Shortcake) / 🍓🍰

Lineage/Genetics: (Strawberry Diesel x Juliet)

Original Breeder: Unknown

Grower: Unknown

Distributor: Rain Treez

Terpene Profile: Unknown

Jammie Dodgers Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review

jammie dodgers by rain treez cultivar review by thebudstudioGood afternoon and a very Happy New Year to all you beautiful people out there! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and that you got to spend some decent time with your loved ones. Today we’re gonna kick the new year off with a bang – and what better way to do that than with a killer bit of flower that was gifted to me from the righteous @rain_treez 🙌🏻 ‘Jammie Dodgers’ (AKA ‘Strawberry Shortcake’.

This is a sativa-dominant hybrid made by crossing ‘Strawberry Diesel’ with ‘Juliet’. The initial aroma I got was pretty hard to pin down; I was getting an almost cheese-like dankness to it at first, but eventually the sweet, more fruity notes started to come into play. I began picking up on the strawberry characteristics along with a slightly sour Earthy edge, as I broke open the nugs and ground them up the sour notes became more pungent 🥵

From the first few tokes all I could really taste were the sweeter, lighter notes of strawberry and other berries. As the joint burned on I started to taste the gas from the diesel genetics come through into the mix, combining with the sweet and slightly sour fruity notes to create a mouthwatering flavour that coated my mouth and left me wanting more! 🤤

The effects came on pretty quickly as I felt an initial uplifting sensation within minutes of sparking up. I got a nice social buzz and a slight burst of energy with the urge to do something creative or productive with my time. This eventually translated to a nice, general cerebral buzz that was accompanied by a touch of a relaxing body high that had me feeling free of stress 😌

Overall, I found this to be one of the nicest strains I’ve ever had from @rain_treez which is saying something! As both a photographer and a cannabis lover I was thrilled and blessed to be gifted such a premium bit of flower to photograph 📸 …and to smoke of course! If you get the chance to try this stuff out for yourself then you better take it 🔥


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