CaliforniaCannabis CultivarsFlowerHybridsIndica DominantMarijuanaReviewsStrains

Strain Review: Jealousy by The Gas Lady

Jealousy 👾

Lineage/Genetics🧬: Gelato #41 x Sherb Bx1

Original Breeder: Seed Junky Genetics

Grower: The Gas Lady

Terpene Profile: Unknown

The Gas Lady Jealousy Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review

👾Back again with another jealousy review this time coming from
Bred by @seedjunkygenetics
This batch smells and looks a little different from the batch I had from @cookiesenterprisesco a few years back.
👾Soft, pungent, sweet, herbal lead pine hits the nose first with a fruity grapey fade and a dulled sharpness. Reminds me of the grape sherbert strain. 8/10
👾Big dense nugs with bulb shaped kolas. Mixed hues of green and purple remind me of the classic gsc pheno. The darker Indigo purple blended hues over shadow the forest and hunter hues of green. Peppery burnt orange pistols fit themselves in clusters between the kolas while the shiny white trichomes blanket the whole flower creating gray tinge. As you breakdown you see streaks of violet. 8/10
👾Sweeter herbal tones with berry hints with a dulled potent kick on the backend. Hits smooth and strong all the way through, long lasting flavor. Smoke is thick with a medium heaviness on the lungs. 8/10

👾Strong hybrid high, great for an after work or mid-day sesh. Cuts the edge off but doesn’t sedate you or drain too much energy. I got a decent creative push and some calming energy to help me sit down and enjoy some Netflix after a busy afternoon and morning. It kept me active enough to enjoy the night wouldn’t recommend for night time. The high is strong and peaks fast but its long lasting so expect to be on a cloud for a while. Very different experience from the other Jealousy I had but still a good 1. 9/10

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