FlowerHybridsIndica DominantMarijuanaReviewsStrains

Strain Review: Lucky Loardz by Loardz x LuckyCharmz

Lucky Loardz 10/10 by Loardz x LuckyCharmz.

Lineage/Genetics: Unknown

Original Breeder: Loardz x LuckyCharmz

Lucky Loardz Strain Review

lucky loardz by loardz x luckycharmz strain review by qsexoticreviews 2Man this straight was one of those great ones that hits all the right points for me. Nugs had a good mixture of green and purple with orange hairs sticking to the nugs instead of standing out. Insane strawberry/cherry candy smell that I would compare to the inside of a nerds rope with a little bit of marshmallow cream.

Smoke was crazy smooth you can really pull on the wood and get fat hits that are packed with flavor. The high had my whole body melting that started from my head all the way down to my feet definitely a indica.

#luckyloardz #loardz #luckycharmz #zaza #cannabis #420 #710 #cannabiscommunity #cannabisreviews #bayarea

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