CaliforniaFlowerHybridsIndica DominantMarijuanaReviewsStrains

Strain Review: Mandarin Cookies by rythm

Mandarin Cookies by @rythm_official

Lineage/Genetics: Forum Cut Girl Scout Cookies x Mandarin Sunset

Original Breeder: Ethos Genetics

Grower: rythm

rythm Mandarin Cookies Strain Review

mandarin cookies by rythm strain review by fullspectrumconnoisseur 2Sticking with the Hybrid contestants. This was the first product I have encountered from this grower but they have been buzzing in the area.

I pop open my capsule and put my nose to the nuggets but ❓don’t pick up any scents to be honest. It was not a bad or good smell though it was just no smell.

I give a couple squeezes to the bud that was small and 🏜 dry for the most part. The visuals were ok theres definitely good trichome coverage but that trait is beginning to lose value in the market in my opinion. There was no sticky factor and a lack of density to the cannabis.

The smoke did have some flavor content though very light. It was like an orange 🥤creme soda sensation. Some earthy practically hay profiles as well and it lost a lot of terpene quality as the joint burned.

I quickly started to obtain a relaxed mellow experience. The head high was average but like the terps the high left quickly as well. 🙈

I would not experiment with this one again I felt like it lacked anything positive to say about. It was below average and did not receive my approval even for a new smoker.

Mandarin Cookies gets a 3/10 🧧
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