Strain Review: Silver Mountain #2 by Desert Grown Farms
This Silver Mountain #2 strain aka Mt. Silver… this right here was some good ass weed.
Lineage/Genetics: Super Silver Haze x Appalachia
Original Breeder: Bodhi Seeds
Grower: Desert Grown Farms
Dispensary: Nevada Wellness Center
Silver Mountain #2 Strain Review
This shit made me feel hella good. Real euphoric
This is #SilverMountian #2 by @desertgrownfarmsnv
This weed was real citrusy smelling.
I usually smoke a lot of indica but when I do smoke sativas and they always smell hella lemony, which means they’re high in limonene.
Limonene makes you feel uplifted, focused and energized which is exactly how I felt.
The weed was fluffy and rolled up nicely, tasted exactly the way it smelled too
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Meet Tori Hazee! A blogger who reviews different types of weed strains and edibles as well as wraps, bongs, and papers.