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Strain Review: Strawpicana by Boutique Smoke

Strawpicana – @boutiquesmoke

Nose: Piney, citrus, tart, earthy
Inhale: Piney, Floral, citrus
Exhale: Tart, sour, musty, piney

Lineage/Genetics 🧬: Tropicana Cookies x Strawnana

Breeder/Bred By: Oni Seed Co.

Grower/Cultivated by: Boutique Smoke

Terpene Profile: Unknown

Strawpicana Strain Review

Hey what’s up everyone? It is Tuesday and I hope everyone is having a great start to their week and are ready for another review. Today I have the remaining review for the mini collection that I have been covering for Boutique Smoke. For this go-round, we have the Strawpicana strain which features a cross between Tropicana Cookies and Strawnana. Given a string of strong outings that Boutique has provided recently, I was excited to see what the Strawpicana had in store. Let’s waste no more time and get into the facts!

I was gifted this offering in a traditional ziplock bag which made me reminisce on the good old days (3 years ago). This one had a very earthy and piney smell more than anything but I did catch some citrus and bitter tart notes mixed in there as well. The buds were impressively lanky and pointy. The calyx and colas in this aesthetic masterpiece stood straight up and the triches on the Strawpicana could be spotted from a considerable distance away. The buds consisted mostly of light and darker purple hues with some shades of lighter green. The pistils on this one caught the eye the way they stood up and aligned with the structure of the bud. Although some nugs were a little leafier than others, each had a fair amount of density and were to be hung from a finger. The breakup yield a fair amount, however, due to the stickiness you did need a little extra to fill the joint up nicely. Once broken down you gain more a familiar citrus smell which personally reminded me of grapefruit and tangerines. I rolled up a nice doink of this and was ready for lift off.

The high that equated from smoking the Tropicana was well-balanced as mentioned while exiting the last paragraph. I felt a little more steady of a head high which lead to a bit of increased focus and a strong energetic feel that took over. At the same time, I did feel a deep state of relaxation that took over my body creating a parallel. Ultimately, that energetic feel outweighed the urge to kick my feet up and I found myself engaging in activity after smoking the Strawpicana. I remember going out for a couple nice jogs in the neighborhood to enjoy the nice weather. This definitely gave me that needed boost especially after some longer days I’ve been having. Additionally, the come down on this was pretty smooth and didn’t take much to transition into relaxing day after smoking this one. Overall, this wasn’t the craziest high I’ve gotten off of an offering from Boutique but did the trick nonetheless.

I feel like this was another solid offering by Boutique that a lot of smokers, regardless of experience, would find enjoyable. Although the flavor, in my opinion could’ve been dialed in just a little more I feel like this would still be a hit for smokers who enjoy a mix of fas and terps. From my experience, the energy I received off this I believe would appeal to a lot of Sativa smokers who prefer more uplifting effects. However, I did find this kind of a surprise given the lineage and feel like less experienced smokers may feel more sedating effects than I did. Anyone suffering from depression, anxiety, or who are just having a bad day in general I would recommend smoking this. I will be on the look out for more from Boutique down the road.

When I sparked the Strawpicana in an organic RAW, I could really taste those piney terps I caught when I first caught a whiff of this offering. I also caught a bit of floral and citrus terps that met the tongue with a tangerine taste. On the way out, there was more of a sourish tart finish which I thought blended in well with the overall citrus appeal of the strain. Additionally, the exhale retained that musty pine taste that distinguished itself within this offering. Given the lineage behind this strain I was really surprised about the overall taste this strain gave off. The pulls were mildly gassy but smooth and didn’t lead too much of a build up in pressure. About half way through the sesh, that light taste of tangie was dialed in although the terps weren’t overpowering. The Strawpicana had a very decent burn on it resulting in a clean white ash with a very drippy ring to support its claim. Although the joint did become a little caked up with resin toward the end I was still able to pull clean hits end the very end. This resulted in a very solid smoke that led to an evenly balanced high.

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Check out more reviews by @toptierterpsma on Instagram! (www.instagram.com/toptierterpsma)

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