Strain Review: Sugar Daddy (Sugar Blossoms x California Indica)
Sugar Daddy (Sugar Blossoms X California Indica) grown with love in Québec.
Never heard of that strain before. It’s like a north american rework of some classic European bred indicas. Think of a pimped White Widow.
The terps are strongly leaning on the berry candy side, omg this is so sweet, no gas at all, just that candy with some deep floral earthiness. Apparently it’s quite a popular strain in Canada. Bag appeal is unreal, almost look like an exotic strain even though it’s fucking old school. Those colors 🌈🔥 The high is a good long lasting stone with some good creativity & not too couchlockey.
Huge shout out to my french speaking canadian folks ❤️
#420 #hightimes #wedontsmokethesame #indica #weedporn #thc

Sugar Daddy Strain Review

French cannabis lover, that became hooked when first growing OG & Haze in high school.