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Strain Review: Tiramisu by The Gas Lady

Tiramisu 🥮🍰

Lineage/Genetics: Wedding Cake ❎  Gelato 45

Original Breeder: The Cali Connection

Grower: The Gas Lady

Terpene Profile: Unknown

The Gas Lady Tiramisu Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review

🍰The aroma was different than what I was expecting. I got sour woody notes with some deep skunk and dank layers hints of sweet spice. A light but consistent fuel like note gives me sherbert vibes.
🔥Big dense sticky harder nugs. Dark indigo hues on the outer leaves with bold violet streaks that become more visible when you break down. The pistils are a bronze orange and the Trichomes are snow white and caked on like sugar. Deep vivid forest green hues are hidden under the purple leaves and thick layers of trichomes, adding a nice balance to the aesthetic.
🥮The taste was unique like the aroma earthy and sour with a dank tang and sweeter tones mixed with a hint of fuel on the backend, very addicting flavor. Thick smooth flavorful smoke.
💨The high was potent and long lasting. The first few puffs had my eyes super low and bloodshot, I didnt think I was as high as I was until I realized I started the blunt on the couch and some how gravity put me on the floor 😂. Time disappears when you smoke this so make sure you dont have anything to do. A nice combo of heavy body high with a stoney mind experience. The flavors alone make you want to keep smoking. Great for a vibe change and chill evening, potent and long lasting.

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