CaliforniaFlowerHybridsIndica DominantMarijuanaReviewsStrains

Strain Review: Whoa Si Whoa by Honeydew Farms

Happy Tuesday my smoker family! Hope you are tokkin some fire 🔥 on this summer day!

Today we are going to talk about some extreme killer cannabis I smoked at @barbarycoastlounge earlier this year.

“Whoa-Si-Whoa” by @honeydew_farms quickly caught my attention listed at 30% THC and the highest on the menu at the time. 🤩

Lineage: The White x Do-Si-Dos

Grower: Honeydew Farms

Original Breeder: Cannarado Genetics

Dispensary: Barbary Coast

Honeydew Farms Whoa Si Whoa Strain Review

whoa si whoa from barbary coast strain review by fullspectrumconnoisseur 2The bag appeal was sub par but taught me not to judge a book by its cover.

This thing smoked like a champ it was gassy, it was dank, it was kill 😵😵!

You immediately get the sensation that you are smoking top shelf cannabis 👑. I felt the heaviness sensation set in fast matched with intense euphoria.I truly enjoyed smoking this cultivar and the staff at the dispensary was not only helpful but impressive and provided a great experience. 🤝

Whoa Si Whoa scores in at a 9/10. 🔥

#cannabis #legalcannabis #medicalcannabis #sanfrancisco #california #barbarycoast #honeydewfarms #fsc420 #terpenes #thc #dispensary #topshelf #euphoria

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