CaliforniaCannabis CultivarsFlowerHybridsMarijuanaReviewsSativa DominantStrains

Strain Review: XJ-13 by THC Design

Xj-13 strain

Lineage/Genetics: JH x G13 Haze 🌳

Original Breeder: Unknown

Grower: THC Design @thcdesign

Terpene Profile: Unknown

XJ-13 Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review

xj-13 by thc design strain review by wl_official619NOSE: Lemon buttered popcorn🍿

DRY PULL: Lemon butter finishing with mild spice notes 👅

STRUCTURE: clumped nugz displaying different shades of lime green. Blood orange hairs embedded throughout. Noticeable light trichomes layer looking like scarce sugar. Somewhat dense with lingering pine sol on the grind.

TASTE PROFILE: lemon pepper with an oily terpped out finish. Arid CITRUS flavor with pine notes on the exhale finish. Smooth smoke that drys out quick💨

EFFECTS/DURATION: immediate euphoric effect that buzzes like a strong jack. Major thought stimulation that comes with a chatty mood & racy mindset🗣 Heavier than normal come down- heavy sleepy effect post high. 20+min PEAK high ⏰

GRADE: 6.5/10🏅

My first jar from @thcdesign – and a really dope jar too. What appears to be metal, glass, &wood- this jar is pretty rad imo. I was expecting a longer high with a lighter comedown, but the haze really caught up to me. After the stimulating and racy effect, I was pretty quiet and groggy. I’ve been looking for Sativa flower and came across this brand because of its price tag & packaging. I do think I should of started with a heavier strain by them so I will be reviewing the brand again in the near future.

I care about what YOU smoke!! Let me know what your rollin up‼️



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