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Vape Review: Bubba Doja Cartridge by Rythm

Bubba doja cartridge- Indica

Lineage/Genetics: Pre-98 Bubba Kush x Double Purple Doja

Original Breeder: Quest Genetics

Grower: Rythm

Processor: Rythm

Bubba Doja Cartridge Review

bubba doja cartridge by rythm vape review by shanchyrls 2THC: 82.24%

Recommended time of use: I would recommend this strain for the night time user, and the user that most likely has problems falling asleep/ Also anyone who may have muscles spasms, as this strain helped me with my RLS

Head: Because this strain is not a sativa, it is not very head activating, yet it kind of does the opposite. This strains effect were felt with a sudden weight change to my eye lids, they became extremely heavy, to the point where sleeping was just inevitable.

Body: This is were this cartridge surprised me. This strain completely stopped my RLS when it is manageable and treatable. Therefor I would recommend this same cartridge to anyone who has muscle spasms due to RLS and lack of sleeping.

Creativity/talkative: Once the full effects of this strain were felt, my talking and creativity decreased to a minimum. As all I really wanted to do was sleep.

Hunger: This strain has given me the most hunger out of all of the strains I have reviewed thus far. Yet I can honestly say, this is one of my favorite strains, and the strength level for this one keeps up with my tolerance. .
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