Concentrate Review: Gilz Nilz Wax from Trulieve
Gilz Niz – Hybrid
Lineage/Genetics: The White x Georgia Pine
Original Breeder: Swamp Boys Seeds
Dispensary: Trulieve
Gilz Nilz Wax Review
Thc: 87%
Recommended time of use: This is an all around great concentrate if you are able to fight the indica traits from this strain. This has been one of the strongest concentrates I have tried. Do not let the % fool you. it is all about the terpenes now a days.
Head: This concentrate hit me like a train, I felt very slow yet giggly. yet relaxed all at the same time! honestly one of my favorites until this day! To me its the perfect balance of awake and flying, as you feel extremely light weight, yet you can still hold a conversation and seem normal.
Body: This strain calmed my body pains but most important it also brought me relief of my RLS symptoms which can really get under your skin.
Creativity/talkative: This strain made me talkative for just a little bit, and then it did make me a bit kept to myself, which I honestly don’t mind which I’m usually kept to myself.
Hunger: This gave me almost instant munchies, but not hunger, I got heavy cravings for sweets… It was like, if I saw a picture or it came up to my head as a random thought I would want to eat that said thing. .
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