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Concentrate Review: Puta Breath Live Sugar by aeriz

Puta Breath, also known as Cake Breath, is a cross of Wedding Cake and Mendo Breath. It’s my understanding that the cultivator did some naming edits so as not to offend. 😅⠀

Lineage/Genetics: Wedding Cake x Mendo Breath

Indica or Sativa: Indica dominant hybrid

Original Breeder: ThugPug Genetics

Grower: aeriz

Processor: aeriz

Puta Breath Live Sugar Review

The texture of this sugar is akin to it’s namesake, making it easy to work with. The nose on this strain is quite pungent, hitting me with both a citrusy-pine smell and a little funk that actually reminds me of stale breath 😂.

Don’t let that put you off, though, because this strain will have you floating even at low doses. The effects started behind the eyes, calling my attention to the high 😳, and then relaxation washed over me until I had forgotten about the irritants of the day and was able to ease into a good night’s rest. ⠀
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