Concentrate Review: White Tahoe Cookies Live Budder by Echo Electuary
@pdxwonders was having their reopening sale on Saturday, so of course I had to hit it up. Chatted with Reagan (I’m sorry if I’m fucking up your name, bro) from @echo_electuary and Steve from @tenfourfarms for a little bit about their fantastic collabs and such. Super chill guys that really know their stuff and care about their products.
Naturally I had to snag one of their Collab products. Steve suggested the Lemon Meringue, but I love indicas, so the White Tahoe Cookies called to me.
Lineage/Genetics: The White x Tahoe OG x Girl Scout Cookies (Unknown cut)
Original Breeder: Archive Seed Bank
Grower: Ten Four Farms
Processor: Echo Electuary
Dispensary: Natural Wonders
White Tahoe Cookies Live Budder Review
It’s got everything I’ve liked in all the White Tahoe Cookies concentrates I’ve had lately with a heavier and more balanced terp content, so more enjoyable. It relaxes me, eases my mind and muscles, and provides a really soothing euphoria that helps me get to sleep. Flavors have a lot of strong dough and sweetness with a hit of citrus and a little hashy spice on the back end. Definitely worth the trip.
THC: 62.1%
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