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Concentrate Review: White Tahoe Cookies Live Budder by Echo Electuary

@pdxwonders was having their reopening sale on Saturday, so of course I had to hit it up. Chatted with Reagan (I’m sorry if I’m fucking up your name, bro) from @echo_electuary and Steve from @tenfourfarms for a little bit about their fantastic collabs and such. Super chill guys that really know their stuff and care about their products.

Naturally I had to snag one of their Collab products. Steve suggested the Lemon Meringue, but I love indicas, so the White Tahoe Cookies called to me.

Lineage/Genetics: The White x Tahoe OG x Girl Scout Cookies (Unknown cut)

Original Breeder: Archive Seed Bank

Grower: Ten Four Farms

Processor: Echo Electuary

Dispensary: Natural Wonders

White Tahoe Cookies Live Budder Review

white tahoe cookies live budder by echo electuary concetrate review by pdxstonemanIt’s got everything I’ve liked in all the White Tahoe Cookies concentrates I’ve had lately with a heavier and more balanced terp content, so more enjoyable. It relaxes me, eases my mind and muscles, and provides a really soothing euphoria that helps me get to sleep. Flavors have a lot of strong dough and sweetness with a hit of citrus and a little hashy spice on the back end. Definitely worth the trip.

THC: 62.1%
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