Cultivar Review: Candy Zonuts by GETHIGHWITHUS
Candy zonuts (zuchi x Runtz) from @gethighwithusnycc @gethighwithusdmv
Lineage/Genetics: Zuchi x Runtz
Original Breeder: Unknown
Terpene Profile: Unknown
Candy Zonuts Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review
Reefa Rating:
Memorable: ✅
Smell- sweet softener with a citrus undertone.
Look- bright greens covered with sandy white trichs. Now I didn’t really like the sandy type feel to weed. I more so like when there’s a stick to it.
Smoke& taste- enjoyably smooth smoke thru and thru. Taste creamy citrus zest, mixed with a earthy metallic exhale.
High- heavy sedative high. Leaves your body feeling heavy and your mind light.
Memorable- this was surprisingly potent. I saved this review for last just cause this was particularly my favorite. Now I know what y’all gonna say “oh it’s cause it’s candy” and I’m not gonna argue. All Ima say is try it and see if it don’t get you clapped!
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