Cultivar Review: Point Break OG by Golden State Nuggets
The Point Break of Surfr Seeds fame – but here in the Golden State as Point Break OG. I’ve seen this cultivar spread from Oregon all across the country and that’s because it’s a worthy profile. I got to try this cut by Golden State Nuggets (GSN) at the Super Sundaze Market.
Lineage/Genetics: Tropicanna Cookies x Trophy Wife (Wedding Cake F2)
Original Breeder: Surfr Seeds
Grower: Golden State Nugg
Terpene Profile: Unknown
Point Break OG Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review
I keep hearing whisperings across the west that orange is coming back – and I count this as further proof. TBH, GSN’s Point Break hit me as a lil cakier than tangie. The smell is not that tangerine fruit or peel that so many people seem to hate but the wedding cake comes through in all the best ways. I keep accidentally saying that point break is tangie x trophy wife. it’s trop cookies but i honestly only taste that musty tangie pith whenever it’s present. Imagine Carrottop’s wedding cake with a whipped tropical blace blace glace as a cherry-on-top-esque twirl. The taste on the exhale is a full bodied musty foggy cake with a whole bouquet of tangerine flowers on top. Long lasting flavor. Taste lasts in the joint all the way to the end and comes through strong even in a bong. You’ll even taste it if you cough after. It’s lip smackin’ good. Got to try some of this along with a Talking Trees Temple Ball out of Big Casino’s Hitoki and that hit straight to the dome. Dragon chasers and flavour chasers converge on Point Break. The high is a heavy eyelids with high energy but mellow mind kind of high. No raciness for me and nothing that puts me down. It’s not particularly giddy but still very pleasant. I enjoy smokes like this for when I’m by myself, but it was also a great cultivar for sharing. Anything this flavorful always turns heads. Thanks Marcus for the invite. Follow Super Sundaze Market to see where to catch GSN next!
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