Cultivar Review: Pure Michigan from JewswhoInfuse
Pure Michigan – @jewswhoinfuse
Nose: Menthol, piney, Parmesan cheese, zesty, skunky, chem
Inhale: Zesty, piney, floral, gassy, chemmy, fruity, doughy
Exhale: Sour, tangy, gassy, doughy, chemmy, citrus, piney
Lineage/Genetics 🧬: Oreoz x Mendo Breath F2
Bred by: 3rd Coast Genetics
Cultivated by: Unknown
Terpene Profile: Unknown

Pure Michigan Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review
Hey what’s up everyone? Now I am officially on vacation, and 30000 feet in the air, I figured I’d used this time to air out a review I’ve been sitting on for awhile now. The Pure Michigan I will be diving into today was an offering from the Jewswhoinfuse package I received a little over a month back that included some other material I will finally be getting out to you all. If you’d like some background info on Jewswhoinfuse, I’d highly encourage you to revisit one of my earlier posts featuring him. Since we’re about 10+ reviews in for the kid, I’ll keep it short and sweet for the intro. Featuring a cross between Oreoz and Mendo Breath F2, I’ve only had the chance to review this once before although I have tried it on multiple occasions from various sources in the past. This one I was not able to obtain grower info on but I will say, when done properly, this cultivar almost always comes out strong and gassy. Given my past run ins with the samples received from Jewswhoinfuse, naturally my hopes were set high. Let’s waste no more time and get into the facts. Similar to how I received the Horchata and other samples from this proverbial “horderves platter” a month back, the Pure Michigan came in a good old ziplock sandwich baggy. The odor released upon opening up the seal was offensive, and quite raunchy I may add. This consisted off an odd, but potently gassy, blend of zesty skunk terps and pine. I received even more of a kick as a broke into the buds rough, bristly surface. When doing so, a heavy chemical odor featuring a concoction of both menthol and Parmesan cheese. The pine odors were still held their flare making the overall nose on this cultivar super stinky. The buds that made up the quarter were comprised of colas that took up space as well stemmy base. Met with a blinding bright green colorway and prominent patches of light violet, the appearance on this cultivar was highly enticing. In addition to this, each nug presented a blistering trichrome coverage with a fair amount of pistils left scattered through its structure. Breaking into each one was a little more difficult than expected given the overall stickiness of the Pure Michigan. As a result of this, a grinder was required to break down this cultivar. In the process of doing so, I left a few chunks stuck in the grinder for good measure. The odor emitted at this point was similar to that when cracked opened as it contained a rancid skunk smell with consistent pine and menthol terps holding true. The dry pull was different, letting in sour grapefruit notes with a skunky evergreen back end. When I sparked the Pure Michigan in an Organic RAW, the initial inhales knocked me with a zesty smorgasbord of pine terps that bestowed a prominently gassy cultivar from the beginning. This also included sharp notes of floral as well as the same evergreen terps that gave the nose its distinctive powers. Giving moderate signs of pressure from the get go, the exhales early on emulated doughy terps that soon evaporated into a taste of bitter sour. These were borderline chem terps that left a oily sting on the tongue. About a 1/4 of the way into the sesh, I caught some faint citrus undertones beneath that sour pine taste mentioned before. This had somewhat of a stale fruit replication as that once rancid nose became prevalent into the smoking stage. Somewhere between this point and about halfway is when gassiness of this cultivar notably picked up. As I inched closer to halfway through the sesh, the pine terps from early on were still kicking which lead to some minor hacks due to the pressure. Giving off a modest burn, the joint did burn into a lighter salt and pepper type ash with a sweaty terp ring that circled around the top of it. Once I dived into the later portions of the sesh, the Oreoz taste within the lineage gained clarity as both the exhales and inhales brought about cakey, doughy terps. This had some what of a Bryer’s Cookies and Cream backend underneath. Beyond this, I didn’t notice too many shifts in terp profile later on while smoking the Pure Michigan. All in all, this cultivar was matched with very potent qualities and a smoke that left me out to choke. The smokability and terp profile were very well done, for the most part, making it arguably my favorite from this round. The onset of medicinal effects created from the Pure Michigan were multi-faceted yet numbing. This began within 10-15 minutes into the sesh once I noticed my mind wandering as I entered into somewhat of a drowsy state. The drowsiness faded rather quickly and, within the first 30 minutes, the medicinal efffects trickled down my spine into my back, chest and legs giving me not only a full-body melt but, also, unrelenting positivity within myself. On the contrary, I felt rather energetic even though it left my body pulsating making it hard for me to sit still in certain situations. Between the half an hour to hour from the onset of effects marked a period of an uptick in self-confidence as well as social ability. Although I experienced an increase of energy I would say this was more along the lines of tactical than outgoing. This was ideal for a night with friends at home with a good meal prepared due to the ravenous appetite I gain while under the influence of the Pure Michigan. While this somewhat leveled out within the last half a hour, the semi-crippling effects within my back and lower body region. Durable within its nature, I’d say these effects last somewhere between one hour and half to two hours. This inevitably brought on some highly effective qualities that capped off a captivating smoke. After after a chance to try the Pure Michigan I received from Jewswhoinfuse, it was again another treat. Starting off with appearance, the looks on this cultivar were stunning coming out of the jar. The nose it drew was highly gassy with a mix of menthol and pine that stung the nostrils. The smoke on this batch of Pure Michigan will 100% match the needs of gas smokers and, in my opinion, has potential to branch out into those who seek flavor. The terps on this cultivar shifted a lot to say the least. The medicinal effects provided were seemingly the highlight of the experience. If you are one or those looking for a night out with friends, ready to lock into some gaming or sports on TV, or even trying to find the ideal cultivar to relieve the lower body this will do the trick. When it comes to the medicinal side of things, this personally helped me with chronic back problems (most likely a strain/tear) I’ve dealt with recently. Because of this I truly believe this will be a perfect fit for anyone mending from a sports injury, or any type of pain-related illness in the back or lower body for that matter. As always, I want to thank Jewswhoinfuse for bringing the heat. I should have another round of Gary Payton (not from Blame Canada) from him up for review in the near future.Check out more reviews by @toptierterpsma on Instagram! (