
Edible Review: Crop Circle Chocolate Orange-Yuzu Zest Truffles

I don’t buy commercial edibles. They don’t make them strong enough for me, and getting the dose I need from eating multiple pieces is way too expensive. @cropcircle.chocolate had a stand up at @thc.pdx one day, and I got to talking with their rep. He was super chill, gave me some free (unmedicated) samples for tasting.

Grower: Ananda Farms

Processor: Crop Circle Chocolate

Dispensary: Treehouse Collective

Orange-Yuzu Zest Crop Circle Chocolate Review

crop circle chocolate orange-yuzu zest cannabis dark chocolate truffles made with ananda farms papaya kief review by pdxstonemanThe chocolates were delicious even though I don’t really like chocolate, raspberry was my favourite, and one of the budtenders mentioned that he had a similar issue with edibles, and that these worked great for him.

I gotta say, these things are amazing. My lady and I ate 25mg as recommended, and I’m feeling great. It’s exactly what I want in an edible. The infusion is done with kief, and it really makes a difference in the final flavor. Aside from the fact that 25mg has me feeling better than 125mg usually does, these are some of the easiest to eat edibles I’ve had.

You can tell a lot of love and effort went into crafting their recipes and pairing flavors properly. @ananda.farms grows some of the best sun grown flower in the state, so of course edibles infused with their kief are gonna be wonderful

If you have trouble finding edibles that work for you, give these a try. The pricing is competitive, they offer both medical and recreational dosing options, there’s a number of great flavors, and I could eat these shits all day. The high just feels more enjoyable, too.
Pendant thing next to the box was made by @the_cynical_stitcher. Check her stuff out. Its pretty cool.
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Check out more reviews by @pdxstoneman on Instagram! (www.instagram.com/pdxstoneman)

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