Edibles Review: Peanut Butter Cups by Fire Kine
🍫🥜🍃 @firekinemeds Peanut Butter Cup Medibles Review
Brand: Fire Kine

Fire Kine Peanut Butter Cup Edibles Review
Plant Based / THC Infused . 4 PEANUT BUTTER CUPS 40mg THC Each 160mg THC Total . @firekinemeds makes all of their edibles from scratch with inhouse recipes. They seem to really do their research to find the best best and healthiest ingredients. . 🍫 @ko_smokez and I pulled up to Lake Merrit to cure our quarantine Blues. Near the food truck i walked passed the @firekinemeds medibke booth and knew i hsd to double back to grab , especially since they’re @ko_smokez favorite candy. . 🥜Dark chocolate and natural peanut butter. The dark chocolate is smooth and not too overpowering. The peanut butter and chocolate taste great together and efficiently mask the thc flavor at first. A few chews in and youll start to taste an oily thc flavor on your tongue. Definitely packs a punch , about 45 min in I got a nice upliftimg body rush and spacey head high. Of course wekilled the box in like 2 secs eating 80 mg each. The walk back to the car started to get further away even though we were walking towards it , thats when I knew I was high af 😂Check out more reviews by @sjweed.review on Instagram! (www.instagram.com/sjweed.review)