Pre-roll Review: Ghost Train Haze Swift Lifts by verano Brands
Waking and baking is one of my favorite things to do, especially when I have an uplifting strain like this GTH in my stash. ⠀
Lineage/Genetics: Neville’s Wreck x Ghost OG
Original Breeder: Rare Dankness
Grower: verano Brands
Ghost Train Haze Pre-roll Review
Ghost Train Haze is a potent sativa that can send me into a spiral if I overconsume, BUT if I stick with these Swift Lifts, I can have a short solo sesh and get the productivity boost I need, without the raciness. Sounds like a win, win to me! ⠀
Do you wake and bake? What’s your go-to morning strain?⠀
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