Strain Review: 2:1 Harlequin by Cresco Labs
I’ve been avoiding math at all costs since my last calculus class in undergrad, so I shocked myself when I decided to write this post about…..ratios! Harlequin is a 2:1 strain that has ~ 16% CBD and 8% THC.
Lineage/Genetics: Nepali Indica x Thai landrace (Thai sativa) x Swiss landrace x Colombian Gold
Original Breeder: NorStar Genetics
Grower: Cresco

2:1 Harlequin Strain Review
The 2:1 refers to the ratio of CBD to THC in a product, so when you see a ratio on a cannabis product, it likely has CBD in it. ⠀ ⠀ Harlequin is a strain with powerful medicinal effects. When I find myself overwhelmed by my day, Harlequin wrangles my anxiety and gives me an energy boost, so I can focus on getting things done. ⠀ ⠀ Next, I plan to try Key Lime Remedy and White Harmony, two high CBD, low THC strains known for their medicinal properties. ⠀ ⠀ Do you like CBD with your THC? ⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ #cannabiscommunity #illinoiscannabiscommunity #chicagocannabis #chicagocannabiscommunity #ilmmj #topshelflife #cannabisphotography #weedphotography #womenofcannabis #womeninweed #nugshot #nuglife #weshouldsmoke #dispensarylife #highsociety #classycannabis #poshpot #upinsmoke #fueledbythc #sativa #harlequin #cresco #budtenderlife #budtendernation #cannabiscreative #cannabiscreatives #rollwithus #limonene #budlove #cbdCheck out more reviews by @upinsmokesession on Instagram! (
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