CaliforniaFlowerHybridsIndica DominantMarijuanaReviewsStrains

Strain Review: Bon Bons by Seven Leaves

Bonbons #Bonbons 🍬🍫😋#hybrid

Lineage/Genetics: Unknown Strain B.S.P. x (GG4 x Triangle Mints)

Indica or Sativa: Indica dominant Hybrid

Original Breeder: 1904 Genetics

Grower: Seven Leaves

Dispensary: Canna Culture

Bon Bons Strain Review

31.35% #thc
0.18% #cbd
38.17% #totalcannabinoids
🗣💯 @sevenleaves_ca @cannaculturesanjose
🍨Creamy Gelato flavor with a fruity Berry undertone.
🍇Purple and green nugs. Nice gradient from dark purple to light green to almost yellow hues throughout the flower with nice vibrant orange stigmas.
🌬Slow burning.Sticky and not too dense.
👽Nice smooth take off into potent hazey head high ,you can feel the clouds making your brain float.
💯Relaxing and stress releaving. Real easy to get lost in good fun conversation.
Good solid hybrid. Definite #Munchie inducer but expect #cottonmouth
Recommend for #wakenbake to get the day started. Very potent.
9.5/10 overall
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