FlowerHybridsMarijuanaReviewsSativa DominantStrains

Strain Review: Cackleberry by Greenpoint Seeds

Sativa dominant 60-40

Lineage/Genetics: Cherry Diesel x Stardawg

Original Breeder: Greenpoint Seeds

Cackleberry Strain Review

cackleberry by greenpoint seeds strain review by _scarletts_strains_ 2Joint.

Cotton mouth pal de intenso

It’s a soothing Mellow high. No te pone lento ni bruto pero un chin happy

El cuerpo se siente medio pesado, laid back. Making this road trip drive super mellow

At first I felt an intense sativa kick but quickly that mellow Indica-ness kicked in and I relaxed.

⚠️Los que tienen intense anxiety proceed con slight caution: Sugiero que usen este strain cuando van hacer algo not just chill there.

En el dispensario la chamaca me dijo que era el mas sativoso de los hybrids y pues yo estaba basilando y afuego pero se puso chill la cosa ( I’ve been mentally sensitive lately, I’m having a really hard time lately) since I wasnt doing something o algo me vino a la mente y casi me me da un lil anxiety attack pq mi mente y pensamientos acceleraron.

Like smoke it pero no se queden in your own thoughts pq pues .
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