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Strain Review: Chocolate Haupia Pie by Shopping Carts

Chocolate Haupia Pie – @shoppingcarts.california

Nose: Gassy, peppermint, doughy, rubbery, spicy, fuel/gassy
Inhale: Sweet, gassy, citrus, cakey, doughy, menthol
Exhale: Earthy, piney, diesel, tangy, sweet

Lineage/Genetics 🧬: Mint Chocolate Chip x Triple OG x Sunset Sherbet

Bred by: Waiting on Confirmation

Cultivated by: Waiting on Confirmation

Terpene Profile: Unknown

Chocolate Haupia Pie Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review

chocolate haupia pie by shopping carts cannabis cultivar review by toptierterpsma 2Hey what’s up everyone? Happy Cinco de Mayo to all of you! Before I get into the tacos and margs later on tonight I have some weed to smoke as well as a review for each and all of you. If you’ve been following my reviews for at least a little while than you probably know that Shoppingcarts is no stranger of the page. If you would like some background info as regards to them I highly encourage you check out one of the earlier reviews I covered on them. When I learned that a close friend of mine had his hands one their new offerings, Chocolate Haupia Pie, my interest was instantly sparked. Upon some research, I learned this cultivar feature a cross between Thin Mint GSC, Triple OG and Sunset Sherbet. Personally, I’ve loving the creativity as well as the quality that Shoppingcarts has brought to the table in prior reviews and I had a feeling this one was going to be unique. Let’s waste no more time and get into the facts!

I received the Chocolate Haupia Pie in a traditional square, mylar bag similar to all of the past offerings I’ve obtained from Shoppingcarts. Much like other cultivars offered under their Haupia brand line, the packaging displayed their trademark one-tooth head figure with the straw poking out of its head. On this cover, it featured sitting atop a slice of chocolate cream pie with a Fall-like colorway that reminded me of Thanksgiving. The design gave implications to the type of experience the terp profile on this cultivar could potentially provide.

When I cracked open the seal on the package, my nose was greeted with a peppermint patty smell with doughy, rubbery, and spicy notes to match. Above all of this, the Chocolate Haupia pie had a pungent, diesel-like aroma that filled the room the minute I opened it. This quarter was filled with larger, sturdy nugs that dense and tightly packed together. I remember thinking there was one large 4g nug in the bag before noticing that was about 3-4 smaller ones stuck together displaying the tough, sticky texture making up each structure. Giving off a mild-mannered aesthetic, each nug possessed a frosty structure made up of an even mix of lighter-to-darker green hues. I even spotted some lighter violet-shaded leaves periodically dispersed throughout the surface. Cracking open the nugs gave way to its vibrant violet and purple interior. I also noticed those diesel, fuel-like terps amplify in the process of doing so. Given the Chocoolate Haupia Pie’s hollow and durable texture I would recommend using the two-turn grinder method when breaking down the buds for maximum output. The yield was average but did fill up the joint as expected giving the overly sticky nature of this cultivar. Upon taking a dry pull from the joint, I captured a mix of gassy cookie dough and rum cake terps which compliment a floral layer of Pine Sol on top creating a very unique taste.

Each pull became gassier the preceding one making this an overall pressure-some smoke from start to finish. The Choclate Haupia Pie resulted in a lighter grey to white colored ash resulting in a sweaty res ring. A very unique characteristic within the terp profile of this cultivar came later in the sesh. I honed in on faintly sweet chocolate poundcake terps culminating in a citrusy diesel pine sol finish capping off the sesh. The flavor powered through on this one down to the final pulls on the joint. All in all, I believe this cultivar provided a powerful smoke in which the overall terp profile was dialed in according to the lineage leaving me satisfied after consumption.

The onset of medicinal effects stemming from the Chocolate Haupia Pie created an equal amount of heart and head race. This took place a little before halfway through the sesh and, by the end, I felt a throbbing heartbeat juxtaposed to the soothing vibrations running down my body. Once the joint was extinguished, although muscle were relaxed and tender; I still felt very perceptive and alert of certain details that were within my surroundings. About 45 minutes to an hour later I felt what I thought the peak of medicinal effects. At this point, I felt a little more weary than I did before with my eyes having formed a dry redness in them. I also noticed myself getting extremely hungry on this cultivar as well as forming somewhat of a picky appetite as well on this. I remember having a craving for Korean BBQ on one occasion seshing with this cultivar.

When I sparked the Chocolate Haupia Pie in an Organic RAW, the initial inhales produced a sweet and gassy concoction. I picked up on a cakey, doughy layer of sweet pastry terps which set the tone for the first quarter of the sesh. On the way out, I caught an earthier finish consisting of with a powerfully gassy and sour taste leaving a thick diesel taste on my tongue after letting out the smoke. This is not to leave out the fact that the aroma that filled the air from this smoke had a sweet, diesel scent lingered for hours after putting out the joint. Once a little way into the sesh, the after taste began to contain sweeter notes mimicking each pull. The inhales started emitting a fruity flavor, particularly a gassy berry taste, once I neared the halfway point in the sesh reminiscent of the Sun Sherb parent within the lineage of this cultivar.

There really isn’t much else to say in regards to the development of medinical effects over time. Straight up, this was perfect for nighttime consumption, especially right before bed. This one hit my fiancé particularly hard as she took about 5-6 pulls of this and said “I’m good.” Once the butterflies and steady head rush experienced at the beginning wear off, the feeling of heavy sedation take over from there on out. The Chocolate Haupia Pie hit me for well over an hour an a half probably even more. I have to bluntly say that this was one of the more powerful offerings from Shoppingcarts that I have encountered in recent memory. The medicinal effects were strong and added that surge you would expect proceeding a powerful smoke.

After having a chance to try the Chocolate Haupia Pie, I not only thought this was another favorable cultivar from them but also one of the more unique ones they’ve put out. I can’t say there was any quality this cultivar displayed that I haven’t seen before, however; the way in which each characteristic came together gave it its own extraordinary appeal. This is a no brainer for those looking for a gassy, powerful smoke but, at the same time, sweet, fruitful and savory. I also think the lineage behind this one is going to spark a lot of curiosity when it comes to the average connoisseur. The pressure the smoke provided should be taken with some caution by beginner level smokers. Additionally, you will be in luck if you desire powerful, fast-acing and hard-hitting medicinal effects. This will come in handy for those looking to take the edge off of any muscle or joint ache. I also think this cultivar could be useful of more extreme cases such as chronic pain stemming from nerve damage or cancer. I can’t say I would put this experience above the Haupina or Bubblegum Haupia but it was definitely up there. I should have a follow up review on Shoppingcarts soon as I will be diving into their Buko Panda collaboration in the near future.

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