Strain Review: Dosido F2 by Revolution Cannabis
Dosido F2 from @revcanna is like a glimmer of sun on a dreary day.
Lineage/Genetics: Face Off OG x OG Kush Breath
Original Breeder: Archive Seed Bank
Grower: Revolution Cannabis
Dispensary: Revolution Cannabis
Dosido F2 Strain Review
I wasn’t feeling great when I woke up, but after a few hits, I was able to power through my Sunday morning cleaning. ⠀
So many of the last few days have felt dreary. I, like so many of us, am feeling the weight of the constant news cycle. I already work from home for my full-time job, and adding social distancing on top of that has not been great for my mental health. In times like these, simple things like getting some sun, taking a walk, and even taking a few puffs help me recenter myself and find some peace. ⠀
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