Strain Review: Garlic Grove by Compound Genetics
Lately, I’ve been going out of my way to try strains that have different terpene profiles than what I usually go for (fruity, sweet, creamy). This new openness was sparked by my experience with GMO, or Garlic Cookies, which I surprisingly enjoyed. The funk of GMO made me think I wasn’t going to like it, but after dabbing it I was easily swayed. Initially, when I was weighing my options, I saw Garlic Grove and wrote it off, but then something told me to look up the strain. I did and my search revealed that Garlic Grove is a cross of GMO and Alien Orange Apricot, a strain I enjoy and a strain with a terp profile I love, respectively. Sounded like a winner to me. ⠀
Lineage/Genetics: GMO x Legend Orange Apricot F2
Original Breeder: Compound Genetics
Fast forward to me cracking the jar open and the terps jumped out, filling my nostrils with citrus, diesel notes and a tinge of sweetness. After smelling that, I cleaned my piece so I could experience the full flavor and what followed was a relaxed, happy experience, perfect for easing into my day off.⠀
What’s a strain that has surprised you? ⠀
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Garlic Grove Strain Review

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