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Strain Review: GMO by Volcano Grow

GMO from Volcano Grow via @carsnhash Back with some more small batch boutique grown style bud, I was able to grab some GMO from Volcano Grow. Lineage/Genetics: (Girl scout Cookies x Chemdawg) Original Breeder: Mamiko Seeds Grower: Volcano Grow

Volcano Grow GMO Review

Piled up in a ziplock, this amassment of beautiful looking buds had a zarm, as well as zesty smell to it. Fuel, piss, mustard seed, hints of garlic. A nice full palate of scent to open a bag to. As I continue to sniff around, the scent gets stronger and stronger, the aroma of all of it becoming somewhat sweet, while being a nose stinging gas. A few nugs of this in a jar could definitely stink an entire house up. Upon looking at these buds, as well as smelling them I can tell I was in for a real solid GMO experience. As I fire up the GMO in a joint, I immediately get a nice and savory floral taste. Gassy, yet almost garlicky/spicy. The further I get into my joint, the flavor becomes less savory and more bold, and toward the end, is just coating your mouth with fuelly terps. I would suggest a drink, or some gum smoking this as it will for sure give you stinking breath. These buds were beautifully grown. If you google GMO strain you will see nugs that look identical to the photos I have shot. Nice structure that was done justice in the curing and trimming process. Triched out nugs that leave any hand unusable after break down, but still firm and crunchy. Beautifully textured. I recall the bud seeming to breathe as it sat in a pile waiting to be rolled up. You could see it expanding after it was broken down as it sat dormant in my wrap. The effects from the GMO were a nice tease. I found myself feeling a uplifting initial head change, but 30 minutes after ingestion, a severe couch lock along with a hazy heavy eyed feel sweeps me off my feet. This is some damn well grown GMO. Everything about it is nailed to the T and I will certainly be looking out for more Volcano Grow in the future. This review among others can also be found at BigWhiteAsh.com #cannabis #cannabiscommunity #cannabisreview #gmo #volcanogrow #boutiquestyle #smallbatch #BigWhiteAsh
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