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Strain Review: Mimosa Evo by Canna Pharma Leeds

Mimosa Evo / 🍊🥂

Lineage/Genetics: (Mimosa x Orange Punch)

Original Breeder: Barney’s Farms

Grower: Canna Pharma Leeds

Terpene Profile: Unknown

Mimosa Evo Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review

Good afternoon to all you lovely stoners out there! I hope you all had a great weekend and that your week is off to a good start ✌🏻 Today we have a slight spin on a rather popular strain of the citrus variety that I’m sure you’ve all heard of; ‘Mimosa Evo’. This particular version of Mimosa was originally bred by @barneys_farm and grown by @canna_pharma_leeds_3 🌱 Straight out the bag I was getting a fresh burst of bright citrus notes – as to be expected from these genetics 🍊

With the aroma, I was mainly picking up on notes of fresh oranges with a hint of lemon and berries in the background. This all developed nicely as I ground some up and rolled myself a joint, increasing the pungency of it all as I did. When taking a dry pull I was still mostly getting the same collection of notes as from the general aroma; nothing but sweet, juicy oranges! As I sparked it up however, I started to get more of those slightly skunky, Earthy notes come into play.

These combined nicely with those hints of lemons and berries that I noticed on the nose, and provided a wonderful undertone to the overall fresh and bright citrus notes on the palate. This stuff was clean and smooth burning, making it easy to smoke, and even easier considering the generous dose of flavour this flower provides. This is one of those strains where the aftertaste is almost just as good as the initial flavour itself! 🤤

Considering this is reported to being a 60% Indica-dominant hybrid producing an average of 25% THC content, the effects I initially felt were mostly in the form of a strong cerebral buzz. This did eventually lead to an overall calming and relaxing effect, but not so relaxing that I found myself falling into my chair. Quite the contrary in fact – I found that I had a decent burst of energy and creativity, leading me to wanting to be outdoors and chatting with people.

All in all I must say that this is a noticeable step up from the usual Mimosa that we’re all so used to at this point. It almost feels like a ‘fine-tuned’ upgrade of the previous genetics, taking you to a place that tastes even more like the orange fruit variety and providing a wonderful daytime high too 👌🏻 Barney’s Farm have done an excellent job with the breeding of this strain, not to mention a great job done of growing by @canna_pharma_leeds_3 👏🏻

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